Mayet, Morbier, Comtoise
Birth and life of a legendary clock
By Leonard van Veldhoven
As a student, Leonard van Veldhoven, architect, traveller and writer, bought his first Comtoise clock whilst on holiday in France. It was love at first sight. In later years, during his many visits to the Haut-Jura, the native region of this legendary clock, he roamed the streets and squares of Morbier, Les Foncine, Morez and neighbouring villages, asking himself repeatedly: the Haut-Jura: why there and then?
Most publications tell us a lot about the Comtoise itself, but only a few dig deeper into its origins and even less thought is given to the places where this clock was conceived and developed during that period.
This book is a detailed survey of the development of the Comtoise and explains why this so typical representative of France’s heritage saw the light of day in the time and place it did. It also explains the background of social, political, economic and climatic conditions which were prevalent.